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Aeronaut Cessna 185 Skywagon -kit

Cessna 185 gjorde sitt första flyg på 1960 -talet och var i produktion fram till 1981. Cirka 6 200 stycken färdigställdes.

Skala 1: 5.5

Kan utrustas med antingen en förbränningsmotor eller en el motor.


Spetsavstånd: 1990 mm

Längd: 1420 mm

Vikt: från 4900g

Vingeyta: 52,5 dm2

Vingbelastning: 93,5 g / dm2


Cessna 185 Skywagon kit

SKU: 137100
399,00 €Pris
  • Man-carrying airplanes have their very own charm when they are modeled after them. This also applies to our replica of the Cessna 185, which has been given the nickname “Skywagon” because of its transport capacity for up to 6 people. The original made its maiden flight in 1960 and was built until 1981. A total of around 6,200 units of this type were delivered. Our model was constructed with a span of almost two meters on a scale of approx. 1: 5.5. The size was chosen deliberately in order to create manageable dimensions with a voluminous model. The model is built entirely in wood. All parts were precisely designed and laser cut for this. The fuselage consists mainly of solid plywood and is ideally suited for both internal combustion engines and electric drives. The wings are built from a sturdy plywood-balsa combination and fully planked, which gives the wings an extraordinary stability and torsional strength. Just like the original, the model has large landing flaps that can be folded down up to 90 ° using special hinges. This makes landing easy on smaller airfields. All rudder surfaces are optically enhanced by a stiffening that is true to the original. The window frames are installed separately, the doors to the cockpit are already indicated on the fuselage. For the expansion of the cockpit, components for an instrument panel are included, which give the model a realistic appearance. The chassis is made of GRP and is colored white with the kit. The matching pneumatic wheels and the steerable tail landing gear are also included. The kit includes a slipway and templates for the construction of the wooden parts, with which the construction will succeed even with less knowledge of wood construction. A detailed construction manual in 3D style shows every single construction stage and thus leads to quick construction success. The model kit contains: All wooden parts, precisely laser-cut, plug-in tubes and connectors, chassis made of GRP, pneumatic wheels, steerable tail wheel, cockpit extension kit, clear glass panes for the cockpit, small parts for linkages, all planking material, various strip material, construction aids and slipways, 3D construction instructions. A detailed construction manual in 3D style shows every single construction stage and thus leads to quick construction success. The model kit contains: All wooden parts, precisely laser-cut, plug-in tubes and connectors, chassis made of GRP, pneumatic wheels, steerable tail wheel, cockpit extension kit, clear glass panes for the cockpit, small parts for linkages, all planking material, various strip material, construction aids and slipways, 3D construction instructions. A detailed construction manual in 3D style shows every single construction stage and thus leads to quick construction success. The model kit contains: All wooden parts, precisely laser-cut, plug-in tubes and connectors, chassis made of GRP, pneumatic wheels, steerable tail wheel, cockpit extension kit, clear glass panes for the cockpit, small parts for linkages, all planking material, various strip material, construction aids and slipways, 3D construction instructions.

  • Span: 1990mm

    Length: 1420mm

    Weight: from 4900g

    Wing area: 52.5 dm2

    Wing loading: 93.5 g/dm2

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