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Auri on ihanteellinen DLG lennokki lennättäjälle, joka haluaa DLG jossa hyvä suorituskyky ja mukavat lento-ominaisuudet kohtuullisin kustannuksin.

Runko on yksiosainen, kaikki 4 servoa asennetaan rungon etuosaan. Asentamalla 1S 600mAh akun sekä pienen vastaanottimen keulaan, asettuu painopiste hyvin kohdalleen.


Kevyet peräsimet tulevat vakiona siivenvärisinä ohuella lasikuitupinnalla, tai erikseen tilattavina mustana hiilikuituna. Peräsimet ovat valmiiksi saranoidut ja antavat hyvän ohjainvasteen.


Aurin siiven kuori on hiilikuitua, siiven ydin on Rohacell vaahtoa lujuuden maksimointia varten. Saranarako on suljettu saranateipillä, mikä eliminoi vastuksen lisääntymisen ja varmistaa hyvän nousukyvyn heitossa.


PNP versiossa runkoon asennettu valmiiksi 4x Blue Bird BMS-A10H servoa sekä 1S 500mAh akku 

Tilattaessa valittavissa heittoevä vasempaan tai oikeaan siivenkärkeen.


Tekniset tiedot:

Kärkiväli: 1500mm

Siiven pinta-ala: 20.0 dm2

Rungon pituus: 1050mm

Lentopaino alkaen: 220g

Siipi kuormitus: 11.0g/dm2

Painopiste: 63-64mm etureunasta



Siivekkeet: 8mm alas, 8mm ylös

Korkeusperäsin: 10mm alas, 6mm ylös

Sivuperäsin: 10mm molempiin suuntiin

Laippat heitossa: 1.5mm ylös

Laipat nopea lento: 0.5mm ylös

Laipat normaali lennätys: 0mm

Laipat termiikki: 2-3mm alas

Laipat jarruina: 28mm alas


Esittely video.  Auri testivideo.  Rakennusvideo

PNP Auri standard (Textreme)

SKU: PNP Auri red
950,00 €Pris
  • The new Auri DLG from LD Models is a great improvement over their previous designs, in both quality of construction and contest success. See this RCGroups post from the designer:

    Last two years I flew the Stark Pro and found that it was rather hard to fly in dead air. Me myself prefer forward CG and speed flying. So, when thermals are very unstable or when you only have "good" and "bad" air Stark Pro never showed a sign it can climb in something.

    My decision was to change the central wing airfoil section to make the model more sensitive to weak thermals. At the same time I wanted to keep penetration and speed of the plane near the same. Also I really like wing's planform of the Stark Pro and didn't want to change it. So, after hours with XFLR and Solid Works new airfoils were ready and we started our work on moulds.

    It took 1.5 months to mill wing and tails moulds, sand and polish them. First prototype was ready 1 day before the first contest this season.

    I was really surprised when I won that contest with ease. And it was only beginning of my amazing flying season with Auri. Now, when my flying season is over I can say that it is really big success of LD Models team.

    The Auri is ideal for customers looking for great flying performance and model toughness at reasonable cost.

    The fuselage is a one piece design with a generous front to facilitate a four-servos-in-the-pod RC installation, eliminating the need for noseweight. It is available in an all carbon layup as standard, or with a 2.4GHz friendly Kevlar nose aread (dyed black) which allows the receiver antennas to be kept internal.

    The light and nicely finished tailplane (horizontal stabiliser) and fin (vertical stab) are availabe with matching coloured glass skins or with all black spread carbon skins at extra cost. The rudder and elevator are ready hinged and give good control response. 

    The wing is beautifully molded from spread carbon with a Rohacell core to maximise strength and dimensional stability, ensuring the surface finish stays smooth. The design incorporates nicely designed ailerons to give excellent control at all speeds. The hinge gap is sealed with hinge tape, eliminating a common drag source and ensuring high launches.

    PNP version with pre-installed Bluebird BMS-A10H servos and 1S 500mAh LiPo

    For more info and build photos see the RCGroups Auri thread.

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