Hitec FLASH 8 2.4GHz lähetin ilman vastaanotinta
- 8 kanavaa
- 30 mallin muisti
- AFHSS 2.4GHz SLT telemetria
- Resolutio 4096
- Nopea 7ms frame käytettäessä Maxima RX vastaanotinta
- Selkeä valaistu näyttö
- Monipuolinen ohjelmointi
Hitec FLASH 8 2.4GHz
The Hitec Flash 8 is the perfect station for nearly all airplanes.
Pilots who want a low-cost remote control with eight channels, can now enjoy the properties of super-fast high-end systems. The AFHSS technology used offers an extremely low latency, a precise resolution of 4096 steps, and compatibility with the SLT protocol at high reach.
The Flash 8 allows you to store up to 30 models. Enjoy the full telemetry capability and optimize your models easily with the extensive programming options.