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Aeronaut Race Control 10A hastighetsregulator

Race-Control är en hastighetsregulator för en borstad motor. Hastighetsregulatorn  kan användas i båtar upp till 10A. Tack vare sin kompakta storlek passar den även för små båtar med lite utrymme i skrovet.

Regulatorn är programmerad framåt-stopp-bakåt.

En XT60-kontakt löds fast i batterianslutningen, motorn löds direkt till nätkabeln.

Hastighetsregulatorn arbetar med ett optimalt spänningsområde med 1-2S LiPo-batterier eller 6V blyceller. BEC producerar maximalt 6V


Teknisk information:

Driftspänning: 3,4-8,4V

Max ström: 10A

Mått: 26x23x9mm

Vikt inklusive kablar och kontakt: 11g

Race Control 10

SKU: 7003/80
25,00 €Pris
  • Race-Control is a controller for brushed motors. The controller can be used in our boats up to a power of 10 A. Due to its compact size, it is also suitable for small models with little space in the fuselage. The controller is programmed for forward-stop-reverse. An XT-60 plug is soldered to the battery connection. The motor is soldered directly to the connection cable. It works in the optimal voltage range of 1-2S LiPo batteries or 6 V lead-acid batteries.

    The BEC delivers a maximum of 6 V, but also works with lower operating voltages of the drive battery. Here the output of the BEC is approx. 0.3-0.4 V below the operating voltage (e.g. drive battery 4.8 V = BEC approx. 4.5V)

  • controller Race Control 10
    Order no. 7003/80
    operating voltage 3.4-8.4V
    Max current 10A
    BEC max. 6 v
    BEC current 0.5A
    dimensions approx. 26x23x9mm
    Weight with cable + plug approx. 11g
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